Re: Why should DDF be implemented in DB2?

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Geschrieben von Gernot Ruban on April 10, 2002 um 23:29:

Als Antwort auf Why should DDF be implemented in DB2? geschrieben von Wes Keen on April 09, 2002 um 14:57:

Hi Wes,

DDF is "DB2 built-in" and a kind of middle-ware, the transport-layer for IBM DB2 platforms, i.e. DB2 for OS/390 and AS/400.

DDF is the OS/390 component which corresponds to DDCS (obsolete product name) or DB2 Connect (new product). It helps to communicate (transport/transform) with other heterogeneous DB2 platforms, i.e. Windows, Unix, OS/2.

DDF or DB2 Connect provides no communication with Oracle or IMS. IMS and DB2 may run side by side on OS/390, where IMS plays the sync manager role. For communication with Oracle you will need the IBM product "DataJoiner" or "Relational Connect".

So, DDF will not make your DB2 better but will open your DB2 on OS/390 or AS/400 for communication with other other platforms.

Hope that helps!



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