Re: procedural language in db2

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Geschrieben von Gernot Ruban on August 21, 2003 um 12:37:

Als Antwort auf procedural language in db2 geschrieben von Irina on August 20, 2003 um 15:02:

Hallo Irina,

für DB2 for OS/390 and z/OS gibt es REXX mit der s.g. DSNREXX-Schnittstelle.

Es gibt für DB2 UDB L/U/W V8.x ebenfalls ein SQL PL für DB2, das allerdings bislang noch wenig beschrieben ist. Unten folgt der Link zu einer Dokumenten-Quelle!

Für Unix könnte man noch Perl empfehlen, für Windows unter Umständen (Object)Rexx.


Quelle IBM:

What languages can you use to create stored procedures?
You can choose to create new stored procedures in Java or SQL. Both languages create stored procedures that are highly portable from platform to platform. Whether you choose to write stored procedures by using Java or SQL depends on your development environment.

If you have more experience writing applications in an object-oriented programming environment, you might choose to create your stored procedures by using Java. Writing stored procedures by using Java has the following advantages:

The stored procedures that you create are highly portable between platforms.
You can setup a common development environment wherein you use a common language to create the stored procedures on the database server and the client application that runs on a client workstation or a middleware server (such as, a Web server).
There is great potential for code reuse if you have already created many Java methods that you now want to run as Java stored procedures.
Note: Java stored procedures built by Stored Procedure Builder conform to the SQLJ Routines specification.

If you are more comfortable writing SQL statements than Java code, you might choose to create your stored procedures by using the SQL stored procedure language. SQL has been enhanced with procedural constructs for writing stored procedures. An SQL stored procedure consists of the CREATE statement to define the procedure together with a series of compound statements. You use SQL to write the stored procedure that is installed on a database server. Writing stored procedures by using SQL has the following advantages:

Using SQL allows relational database programmers to support database modules written completely in an SQL language.
You can quickly learn to write stored procedures in SQL. This ease-of-learning is especially true if you have experience with other database vendor languages.
Creating your stored procedures by using SQL creates fast stored procedures because the SQL routines run as compiled routines.


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