Re: calling cobol Programm in Netdata DB2 macro

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Geschrieben von Axel Pürner am August 28, 2002 um 09:20:

Als Antwort auf Re: calling cobol Programm in Netdata DB2 macro geschrieben von Thomas Schulz on August 27, 2002 um 11:39:

Hi Thomas,

im C/S-Manual war nichts über COBOL zu finden, in der z/OS-Version fand ich folgendes:

To setup the COBOL language environment, perform the following steps:

Modify the entry in Net.Data initianization file for the DTW_COBOL_PARAMETER_BUFFER_SIZE variable. This configuration variable specifies the maximum size of any INPUT value that the COBOL language environment passes to the load module, as well as the maximum size of any OUTPUT value that the load module passes to COBOL language environment.
Set up the Web server startup procedure. For the other languages such as system, Perl, or REXX, the EXEC_PATH identifies the directories that Net.Data searches for an external program. But for COBOL, you will need to add the data sets that contain the COBOL modules that you plan to use to the STEPLIB DD statement of the Web server procedure.
For example, if IBMUSER.COBOL.LOAD is the data set that contains the load modules, then modify STEPLIB DD statement as follows:


Leider habe ich zur Zeit keinen Zugriff auf einen geeigneten Mainframe, um das einmal auszuprobieren. Aber vielleicht hilft es Dir auch so.


Axel Pürner


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