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Relaunch of new’s Db2 Site

Published On: 13. Februar 2024Last Updated: 25. Februar 2024Categories: general0,9 min readViews: 433

After providing years of valuable service, the time has come for the Db2 website to undergo a much-needed renovation, refreshing its appearance and functionality.

To ensure the preservation of the valuable insights and discussions accumulated over the years, we have archived the content. This archive, including the previous version of the website and the historical discussion board, will continue to be a key component of our platform. It’s important for our users to understand that while this archived content remains accessible for reference, it will not receive further updates.

Looking ahead, we are transitioning away from the traditional web and message boards. Instead, we will adopt a contemporary web blog format for publishing new content. This change is aimed at streamlining our communication and making the sharing of information more efficient.

We continue to value and invite your contributions to our community. Although the ability to register as an editor or to comment directly on posts has been discontinued for security reasons, we still encourage submissions of content, either with attribution to your name or anonymously.