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Db2 z/OS LOAD Utility Samples for CSV Data

Published On: 26. Februar 2024Last Updated: 25. Februar 2024Categories: Db2 z/OSTags: , 0,7 min readViews: 481

In the world of data management and database administration, efficiently importing data is a critical task. The Db2 z/OS LOAD utility stands out as a powerful tool for this purpose, offering robust capabilities for loading data into Db2 databases on z/OS platforms. This utility is particularly adept at handling large volumes of data, ensuring high performance and reliability in data-intensive environments.

This post provides primer for a scenario involving the Db2 z/OS LOAD utility, specifically tailored for loading CSV (Comma-Separated Values) data. CSV files are a common format for data exchange because they are easy to create, read, and process, making them ideal for a wide range of data import tasks.

1) Delimiter Semikolon (;)

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2) Delimiter Semikolon (;), Text-Delimiter Doppelhochkomma (''), Decimalpoint (.)

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